
The GetNamedPipeInfo function retrieves information about the specified named pipe.

BOOL GetNamedPipeInfo(

HANDLE hNamedPipe, // handle of named pipe
LPDWORD lpFlags, // address of flags indicating type of pipe
LPDWORD lpOutBufferSize, // address of size, in bytes, of pipe's output buffer
LPDWORD lpInBufferSize, // address of size, in bytes, of pipe's input buffer
LPDWORD lpMaxInstances // address of max. number of pipe instances



Identifies the named pipe instance. The handle must have GENERIC_READ access to the named pipe.


Points to a 32-bit variable that indicates the type of the named pipe. This parameter can be NULL if this information is not required. Otherwise, use the following values:

Value Meaning
PIPE_CLIENT_END The handle refers to the client end of a named pipe instance. This is the default.
PIPE_SERVER_END The handle refers to the server end of a named pipe instance. If this value is not specified, the handle refers to the client end of a named pipe instance.
PIPE_TYPE_BYTE The named pipe is a byte pipe. This is the default.
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE The named pipe is a message pipe. If this value is not specified, the pipe is a byte pipe.


Points to a 32-bit variable that receives the size, in bytes, of the buffer for outgoing data. If the buffer size is zero, the buffer is allocated as needed. This parameter can be NULL if this information is not required.


Points to a 32-bit variable that receives the size, in bytes, of the buffer for incoming data. If the buffer size is zero, the buffer is allocated as needed. This parameter can be NULL if this information is not required.


Points to a 32-bit variable that receives the maximum number of pipe instances that can be created. If the variable is set to PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, the number of pipe instances that can be created is limited only by the availability of system resources. This parameter can be NULL if this information is not required.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

See Also

CreateNamedPipe, GetNamedPipeHandleState