The PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM message indicates that the system needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect. An application should send this message only in response to the PSN_APPLY or PSN_KILLACTIVE notification message. You can send the PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM message explicitly or by using the PropSheet_RebootSystem macro.


wParam = 0;

lParam = 0;

Return Values

No return value.


This message causes the PropertySheet function to return the ID_PSREBOOTSYSTEM value, but only if the user chooses the OK button to close the property sheet. It is the application's responsibility to reboot the system, which can be done by using the ExitWindowsEx function.

This message supersedes all PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS messages that precede or follow it.

See Also

ExitWindowsEx, PropertySheet, PropSheet_RebootSystem, PSN_APPLY, PSN_KILLACTIVE, PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS