The NET_DISPLAY_GROUP structure contains information that an account manager can access to determine information about user groups.

typedef struct _NET_DISPLAY_GROUP {

LPWSTR grpi3_name;

LPWSTR grpi3_comment;

DWORD grpi3_group_id;

DWORD grpi3_attributes;

DWORD grpi3_next_index;




A Unicode string that specifies the name of the group.


A Unicode string that points to a Unicode string that contains a comment. This string can be a null string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating null character.


Specifies the relative identifier of the group. The relative identifier is determined by the accounts database when the group is created. It uniquely defines the group to the account manager within the domain. The NetUserAdd and NetUserSetInfo functions ignore this member.


Lists attributes of the defined group. For NT Windows 4.0, you can no longer set these attributes. They are hardwired to SE_GROUP_MANDATORY,| SE_GROUP_ENABLED, SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT.


Specifies the index of the next entry to return from the NetQueryDisplayInformation function. Pass this value as the Index parameter of NetQueryDisplayInformation to return the next logical entry.

See Also

NetUserAdd, NetUserSetInfo, NetQueryDisplayInformation