
The NDdeShareDel function is called to delete a DDE share from the DSDM.

UINT NDdeShareDel(

LPTSTR lpszServer, // server to execute on
LPTSTR lpszShareName, // name of share to delete
UINT wReserved // must be 0



Address of the server name on which the DSDM will be modified.


Address of the share name that is to be deleted from the DSDM. This parameter must not be NULL.


This parameter must be 0.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is NDDE_NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is an error code which can be translated into a text error message by calling NDdeGetErrorString.


To delete a DDE share from the DSDM, you must have the appropriate privilege. The share creator has delete privilege.