The TC_ITEMHEADER structure specifies or receives the attributes of a tab. This structure is the same as the TC_ITEM structure, that it does not include an lParam member for application-defined data.

typedef struct _TC_ITEMHEADER {

UINT mask; // value specifying which members to retrieve or set

UINT lpReserved1; // reserved; do not use

UINT lpReserved2; // reserved; do not use

LPSTR pszText; // pointer to string containing tab text

int cchTextMax; // size of buffer pointed to by the pszText member

int iImage; // index to tab control's image




Value specifying which members to retrieve or set. This member can be TCIF_ALL (meaning all members), or zero or more of the following values:

Value Meaning
TCIF_TEXT The pszText member is valid.
TCIF_IMAGE The iImage member is valid.
TCIF_PARAM The lParam member is valid.
TCIF_RTLREADING Displays the text of pszText using right-to-left reading order on Hebrew or Arabic systems.


Reserved; do not use.


Reserved; do not use.


Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the tab text if the structure contains information about a tab. If the structure is receiving information, this member specifies the address of the buffer that receives the tab text.


Size of the buffer pointed to by the pszText member. If the structure is not receiving information, this member is ignored.


Index into the tab control's image list or - 1 if there is no image for the tab.


An application cannot use the TC_ITEM structure to retrieve or set the application-defined data for tabs in a tab control with more or less than four extra bytes per tab. Instead, you should define a structure that consists of the TC_ITEMHEADER structure followed by application-defined data.

To set the number of extra bytes per tab, use the TCM_SETITEMEXTRA message.

See Also