The LV_HITTESTINFO structure contains information about a hit test.

typedef struct _LV_HITTESTINFO {


UINT flags;

int iItem;




Position to hit test, in client coordinates.


Variable that receives information about the results of a hit test. This member can be one or more of the following values:

Value Meaning
LVHT_ABOVE The position is above the client area of the control.
LVHT_BELOW The position is below the client area of the control.
LVHT_NOWHERE The position is inside the list view control's client window, but it is not over a list item.
LVHT_ONITEMICON The position is over a list view item's icon.
LVHT_ONITEMLABEL The position is over a list view item's text.
LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON The position is over the state image of a list view item.
LVHT_TOLEFT The position is to the left of the list view control's client area.
LVHT_TORIGHT The position is to the right of the list view control's client area.

You can use LVHT_ABOVE, LVHT_BELOW, LVHT_TOLEFT, and LVHT_TORIGHT to determine whether to scroll the contents of a list view control. Two of these values may be combined ¾ for example, if the position is above and to the left of the client area.

You can test for LVHT_ONITEM to determine whether a specified position is over a list view item. This value is a bitwise-OR operation on LVHT_ONITEMICON, LVHT_ONITEMLABEL, and LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON.


Receives the index of the matching item.


This structure is used with the LVM_HITTEST message.

See Also