Describes the properties of a file that is being copied by means of the clipboard during an OLE drag and drop operation.

typedef struct _FILEDESCRIPTOR { // fod

DWORD dwFlags; // see below

CLSID clsid; // file class identifier

SIZEL sizel; // width and height of file icon

POINTL pointl; // screen coordinates of file object

DWORD dwFileAttributes; // file attribute flags (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_)

FILETIME ftCreationTime; // time of file creation

FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; // time of last access to file

FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; // time of last write operation

DWORD nFileSizeHigh; // high-order word of file size, in bytes

DWORD nFileSizeLow; // low-order word of file size, in bytes

CHAR cFileName[ MAX_PATH ]; // name of file (null-terminated)




Array of flags that indicate which of the other structure members contain valid data. This member can be a combination of these values:

FD_ACCESSTIME The ftLastAccessTime member is valid.
FD_ATTRIBUTES The dwFileAttributes member is valid.
FD_CLSID The clsid member is valid.
FD_CREATETIME The ftCreationTime member is valid.
FD_FILESIZE The nFileSizeHigh and nFileSizeLow members are valid.
FD_LINKUI Treat the operation as "Link."
FD_SIZEPOINT The sizel and pointl members are valid.
FD_WRITESTIME The ftLastWriteTime member is valid.