The FOLDERSETTINGS structure is passed from one folder view to another when the user is browsing. It calls IShellView::GetCurrentInfo to get the current settings and passes them to IShellView::CreateViewWindow to allow the next folder view to "inherit" it. These setttings assume a particular UI, which the shell's folder view has. Shell extensions may or may not use these settings.

typedef struct {

UINT ViewMode;

UINT fFlags;




Specifies the view mode. Can be set to any of the following values:

Value Meaning
FVM_ICON The large icon is displayed.
FVM_SMALLICON The small icon is displayed.
FVM_LIST Object names are displayed in a list view.
FVM_DETAILS Object names and other selected information is shown, such as the size or date last updated.


Specifies the view mode. Can be set to any of the following values:

Value Description
FWF_AUTOARRANGE Automatically arrange the elements in the view. This implies LVS_AUTOARRANGE if the ListView control is used to implement the view.
FWF_ABBREVIATEDNAMES Names should be abbreviated. This value is not currently supported.
FWF_SNAPTOGRID Items should be arranged on a grid. This value is not currently used.
FWF_OWNERDATA This value is not currently used.
FWF_BESTFITWINDOW Enable the best-fit window mode. Let the view size the window to fit its contents as well as possible.
FWF_DESKTOP Make the folder behave like the desktop. This value applies only to the desktop view and is not used for typical shell folders.
FWF_SINGLESEL Do not allow more than a single item to be selected. This is used in the common dialogs.
FWF_NOSUBFOLDERS Do not show subfolders.
FWF_TRANSPARENT Draw transparently. This is used only for the desktop.
FWF_NOCLIENTEDGE Do not add WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE to the folder. This is used only for the desktop.
FWF_NOSCROLL Do not add scroll bars. This is used only for the desktop.

See Also

IShellView::CreateViewWindow, IShellView::GetCurrentInfo