Setting the Appearance of a Secondary Help Window

An application can set the size, position, and show state of a secondary help window by passing the HELP_SETWINPOS command and the address of a HELPWININFO structure to the WinHelp function. The members of HELPWININFO specify the name of the window to change and the window's new size, position, and show state.

The following example sets the appearance of a secondary window named "wnd_menu". The name must be defined in the [WINDOWS] section of the help project file.

BOOL DoWindowSize(VOID)


HANDLE hhwi;


WORD wSize;

char *szWndName = "wnd_menu";

wSize = sizeof(HELPWININFO) + lstrlen(szWndName);

hhwi = GlobalAlloc(GHND, wSize);

lphwi = (LPHELPWININFO) GlobalLock(hhwi);

lphwi->wStructSize = wSize;

lphwi->x = 256; // horizontal position

lphwi->y = 256; // vertical position

lphwi->dx = 767; // width

lphwi->dy = 512; // height

lphwi->wMax = SW_SHOW; // show the window

lstrcpy(lphwi->rgchMember, szWndName); // secondary window

WinHelp(hwnd, "myhelp.hlp", HELP_SETWINPOS, (DWORD) lphwi);



