Default Message Processing

This section describes the window messages handled by the window procedure for the ANIMATE_CLASS window class.

Message Processing performed
WM_CLOSE Frees the .AVI file or AVI resource associated with the animation control.
WM_DESTROY Frees the .AVI file or AVI resource, frees an internal data structure, and then calls the DefWindowProc function.
WM_ERASEBKGND Erases the window background using the current background color for static controls.
WM_NCCREATE Allocates and initializes an internal data structure and then calls DefWindowProc.
WM_NCHITTEST Returns the HTTRANSPARENT hit test value.
WM_PAINT Draws an AVI frame in the animation control.
WM_SIZE Checks if the control has the ACS_CENTER style. If the control does not, it calls DefWindowProc. Otherwise, it centers the animation in the control, invalidates the control, and then calls DefWindowProc.