Schedule Functions

The schedule service functions are used to submit and manage jobs to be executed at a specifed computer at a specified time (or times) in the future. Jobs can be commands and programs. Jobs can be managed at remote and local computers, provided schedule service is running at a specified computer. The schedule service functions are:


Schedule service functions are also known as "Job" and "AT command" functions.

Schedule service functions are job submittal (NetScheduleJobAdd), job cancellation (NetScheduleJobDel), job enumeration (NetScheduleJobEnum) and retrieving information about a particular job (NetScheduleJobGetInfo). In order for these functions to succeed, a caller must have administrator's privilege at a computer where Schedule service is running.


The AT_INFO structure is used by NetScheduleJobAdd to specify a job to be added, and by NetScheduleJobGetInfo to return information about an already submitted job. The AT_ENUM structure is used by NetScheduleJobEnum to enumerate and return information about an entire queue of already submitted jobs.