The USER_MODALS_INFO_1 structure contains information about the role and primary use of logon servers in a security database.

typedef struct _USER_MODALS_INFO_1 {
DWORD usrmod1_role;
LPWSTR usrmod1_primary;



Specifies the role of the logon server. The following values are defined:

Value Meaning
UAS_ROLE_STANDALONE The logon server is a stand-alone server.
UAS_ROLE_MEMBER The logon server is a member.
UAS_ROLE_BACKUP The logon server is a backup.
UAS_ROLE_PRIMARY The logon server is a domain controller.

If the Netlogon service is not being used, the element should be set to UAS_ROLE_STANDALONE.


A Unicode string that specifies the name of the domain controller that stores the primary copy of the database for the user account manager.

See Also

NetUserModalsGet, NetUserModalsSet