The MINIMIZEDMETRICS structure contains the scalable metrics associated with minimized windows. This structure is used with the SystemParametersInfo function when the SPI_GETMINIMIZEDMETRICS or SPI_SETMINIMIZEDMETRICS action value is specified.

typedef struct tagMINIMIZEDMETRICS {

UINT cbSize;

int iWidth;

int iHorzGap;

int iVertGap;

int iArrange;




Specifies the size of the structure, in bytes.


Specifies the width, in pixels, of minimized windows.

iHorzGap and iVertGap

Specifies the amount of horizontal and vertical space, in pixels, between arranged minimized windows.


Specifies the starting position and direction used when arranging minimized windows. The starting position must be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
ARW_BOTTOMLEFT Start at the lower-left corner of the work area.
ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT Start at the lower-right corner of the work area.
ARW_TOPLEFT Start at the upper-left corner of the work area.
ARW_TOPRIGHT Start at the upper-right corner of the work area.

The direction must be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
ARW_LEFT Arrange left (valid with ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT and ARW_TOPRIGHT only).
ARW_RIGHT Arrange right (valid with ARW_BOTTOMLEFT and ARW_TOPLEFT only).
ARW_UP Arrange up (valid with ARW_BOTTOMLEFT and ARW_BOTTOMRIGHT only).
ARW_DOWN Arrange down (valid with ARW_TOPLEFT and ARW_TOPRIGHT only).

See Also
