List View Notification Messages

A list view control sends notification messages to its parent window in the form of WM_NOTIFY messages. The following notification messages are sent by a list view control.

Notification message Description
LVN_BEGINDRAG Signals the start of a drag and drop operation.
LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT Signals the start of in-place label editing.
LVN_BEGINRDRAG Signals the start of a drag and drop operation, using the right mouse button.
LVN_COLUMNCLICK Indicates that the user clicked a column header in report view.
LVN_DELETEALLITEMS Signals the deletion of all list view items.
LVN_DELETEITEM Signals the deletion of a specific item.
LVN_ENDLABELEDIT Signals the end of label editing.
LVN_GETDISPINFO Requests information that the list view control requires to display an item.
LVN_INSERTITEM Signals the insertion of a new list view item.
LVN_ITEMCHANGED Indicates that an item has changed.
LVN_ITEMCHANGING Indicates that an item is in the process of changing and enables the parent window to accept or deny the change.
LVN_KEYDOWN Signals a keyboard event.
LVN_SETDISPINFO Notifies a parent window that it must update the information it maintains for an item.