
The GetUserObjectSecurity function retrieves security information for the specified user object.

BOOL GetUserObjectSecurity(

HANDLE hObj, // handle of user object
PSECURITY_INFORMATION pSIRequested, // address of requested security information
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSID, // address of security descriptor
DWORD nLength, // size of buffer for security descriptor
LPDWORD lpnLengthNeeded // address of required size of buffer



Identifies the user object for which to return security information.


Points to a SECURITY_INFORMATION structure specifying the security information being requested.


Points to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure in self-relative format that contains the requested information when the function returns.


Specifies the length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pSID parameter.


Points to a variable receiving the number of bytes required to store the complete security descriptor. If this variable's value is greater than the value of the nLength parameter when the function returns, the function returns FALSE and none of the security descriptor is copied to the buffer. Otherwise, the entire security descriptor is copied.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

See Also

CreatePrivateObjectSecurity, GetKernelObjectSecurity, GetPrivateObjectSecurity, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, SECURITY_INFORMATION, SetUserObjectSecurity