
The ImageList_AddIcon macro adds an icon or cursor to an image list. ImageList_AddIcon calls the ImageList_ReplaceIcon function.

int ImageList_AddIcon(

HIMAGELIST himl, // handle to the image list
HICON hicon // handle to the icon or cursor



Handle to the image list. If this parameter identifies a masked image list, the macro copies both the image and mask bitmaps of the icon or cursor. If this parameter identifies a nonmasked image list, the macro copies only the image bitmap.


Handle to the icon or cursor that contains the bitmap and mask for the new image.

Return Values

If the macro succeeds, the return value is the index of the new image.

If the macro fails, the return value is - 1.


Because the system does not save hicon, you can destroy it after the macro returns if the icon or cursor was created by the CreateIcon function. You do not need to destroy hicon if it was loaded by the LoadIcon function; the system automatically frees an icon resource when it is no longer needed.

The ImageList_AddIcon macro is defined as follows:

#define ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hicon) ImageList_ReplaceIcon(himl, -1, hicon)

See Also

CreateIcon, ImageList_ReplaceIcon, LoadIcon