An application sends an LB_DIR message to add a list of filenames to a list box.


wParam = (WPARAM) (UINT) uAttrs; // file attributes

lParam = (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) lpszFileSpec; // filename address



Value of wParam. Specifies the attributes of the files to be added to the list box. This parameter can be a combination of the following values:

Value Description
DDL_ARCHIVE Includes archived files.
DDL_DIRECTORY Includes subdirectories. Subdirectory names are enclosed in square brackets ([ ]).
DDL_DRIVES Includes drives. Drives are listed in the form [-x-], where x is the drive letter.
DDL_EXCLUSIVE Includes only files with the specified attributes. By default, read-write files are listed even if DDL_READWRITE is not specified.
DDL_HIDDEN Includes hidden files.
DDL_READONLY Includes read-only files.
DDL_READWRITE Includes read-write files with no additional attributes.
DDL_SYSTEM Includes system files.


Value of lParam. Points to the null-terminated string that specifies the filename to add to the list. If the filename contains wildcards (for example, *.*), all files that match the wildcards and have the attributes specified by the uAttrs parameter are added to the list.

Return Values

The return value is the zero-based index of the last filename added to the list. If an error occurs, the return value is LB_ERR. If there is insufficient space to store the new strings, the return value is LB_ERRSPACE.

See Also
