The DELETEITEMSTRUCT structure describes a deleted list box or combo box item. The lParam parameter of a WM_DELETEITEM message contains a pointer to this structure. When an item is removed from a list box or combo box or when a list box or combo box is destroyed, Windows sends the WM_DELETEITEM message to the owner for each deleted item.

Windows NT: Windows sends a WM_DELETEITEM message only for items deleted from an owner-drawn list box (with the LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED or LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE style) or owner-drawn combo box (with the CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED or CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE style).

Windows 95: Windows sends the WM_DELETEITEM message for any deleted list box or combo box item with nonzero item data.

typedef struct tagDELETEITEMSTRUCT { // ditms

UINT CtlType;


UINT itemID;

HWND hwndItem;

UINT itemData;




Specifies one of the following values to indicate whether the item was deleted from a list box or a combo box:

Value Meaning
ODT_LISTBOX A list box.
ODT_COMBOBOX A combo box.


Specifies the identifier of the list box or combo box.


Specifies index of the item in the list box or combo box being removed.


Identifies the control.


Specifies application-defined data for the item. This value is passed to the control in the lParam parameter of the message that adds the item to the list box or combo box.

See Also