
The NetUserSetGroups function sets global group memberships for a specified user account.

Security Requirements

Only members of the Administrators or Account Operators local group can successfully execute NetUserSetGroups.

NET_API_STATUS NetUserSetGroups(

LPWSTR servername,  
LPWSTR username,  
DWORD level,  
LPBYTE buf,  
DWORD num_entries  



Pointer to a Unicode string containing the name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. A NULL pointer or string specifies the local computer.


Pointer to a Unicode string containing the name of the user for which to set global group memberships.


Specifies one of the following values to set the level of information provided.

Value Meaning
0 The buf parameter points to an array of GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structures.
1 The buf parameter points to an array of GROUP_USERS_INFO_1 structures.


Pointer to the buffer in which the data set with the level parameter is stored. The returned buffer should be deallocated using the NetApiBufferFree function.


Number of global group information structures contained in the array pointed to by buf.

Return Values

If the function is successful, it returns NERR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the return value is one of the following error codes.

Value Meaning
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED The user does not have access to the requested information.
NERR_InvalidComputer The computer name is invalid.
NERR_NotPrimary The operation is allowed only on the primary domain controller of the domain.
NERR_GroupNotFound The local group specified by the groupname parameter does not exist.
NERR_UserNotFound The user name could not be found.

See Also
