Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Developer's Guide

Smart Pointer Classes and DOM Properties

The syntax for invoking DOM properties using raw interface pointers differs from that using smart pointer classes. We use the async property as an example.

Raw Interface Syntax

HRESULT get_async(
   [out, retval] VAIRANT_BOOL *isAsync
HRESULT put_async(
   [in] VAIRANT_BOOL isAsync

For example,

hr = pXMLDom->get_async(&vbAsync);
if (vbAsync == VARIANT_TRUE)
   hr = pXMLDom->put_async(VARIANT_FALSE);

where hr, pXMLDom, and vbAsync are of the HRESULT, IXMLDOMDocument*, and VARIANT_BOOL types, respectively.

Smart Pointer Class Wrapper Syntax


For example,

If (pXMLDom->async == VARIANT_TRUE)
   pXMLDom->async = VARIANT_FALSE;

Notice that invoking the DOM property using smart pointer classes is similar to using script or Visual Basic.

Now we are ready start working with XML DOM. First, we'll Load an XML DOM Object from an XML File.