Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Developer's Guide

Source: XSLTsmart.cpp

The source code listed below demonstrates how to call the transformNode method and the transformNodeToObject method in a C/C++ program. Specifically, the code performs the following steps:

  1. Loads the XML data file (stocks.xml) into an XML DOM object (pXMLDom).
  2. Loads the XSLT style sheet (stocks.xsl) into an XML DOM object (pXSLDoc).
  3. Calls the transformNode(pXSLDoc) method on pXMLDom to do the transformation, holds the result in a string (xmlStr), and prints the output to the console.
  4. Creates an XML DOM object (pXMLOut) to hold the output of the transformNodeToObject method.
  5. Calls the transformNodeToObject method on pXMLDom to do the transformation; holds the resulting object in pXMLOut; prints out the XML result; and serializes the output object in an HTML file, stocks.htm.

C/C++ Source File (XSLTsmart.cpp)

#include <stdio.h>
#import <msxml5.dll>
using namespace MSXML2;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   IXMLDOMDocument3Ptr pXMLDom, pXSLDoc, pXMLOut;
   HRESULT hr;

   // Load the XML file.
   hr= pXMLDom.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument50));
   if (FAILED(hr)) 
      printf("Failed to instantiate an XML DOM.\n");
      return -1;

   pXMLDom->async = VARIANT_FALSE; // The default is true.

      printf("Failed to load stocks.xml:\n%s\n",
      return -1;

   // Load the XSLT style sheet.
   hr= pXSLDoc.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument50));
   if (FAILED(hr)) 
      printf("Failed to instantiate an XML DOM.\n");
      return -1;

   pXSLDoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE; // The default is true.
      printf("Failed to load stocks.xsl:\n%s\n",
      return -1;

   // Transform the XSLT to an XML string.
   _bstr_t xmlStr = pXMLDom->transformNode(pXSLDoc);
   //Always remember to check for parse errors.
   if(pXMLDom->parseError->errorCode != 0)
      printf("Failed to transformNode:\n%s\n", 
      printf("output from transformNode:\n%s\n",

   // Instantiate a DOM for xmlOut object.
   hr= pXMLOut.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument50));
   if (FAILED(hr)) 
      printf("Failed to instantiate an XML DOM.\n");
      return -1;

   // Transform the XSLT to a DOM object.
   hr = pXMLDom->transformNodeToObject(pXSLDoc, 
   if (FAILED(hr))
      printf("Failed to transformNodeToObject:\n%s\n",
      hr = pXMLOut->save("stocks.htm");
      if (FAILED(hr))
         printf("Failed to save output DOM to xslt_out.htm\n");
         return -1;
         printf("Output from transformNodeToObject:\n%s\n",
         printf("The above output is also saved in stocks.htm.\n");

   return 0;

To add the XSLT source code to the project

  1. Create a new C++ source file. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see Set Up My Visual C++ Project. Name the new file XSLTsmart.cpp.
  2. Copy the C/C++ source code above and paste it into the source file you just created.

Next, we'll add the resource files to the XSLT project.