Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Developer's Guide

Smart Pointer Classes and DOM Methods with an [out, retval] Parameter

When a method has an [out, retval] parameter, the syntax is different depending on whether you use smart pointer class wrappers or the raw interface method. We use the load method as an example.

Raw Interface Syntax

   [in] VARIANT xmlSource,
   [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *isSuccessful

For example,

hr = pXMLDom->load("myData.xml", &vbStatus);

where hr, pXMLDom, and vbStatus are of the HRESULT, IXMLDOMDocument*, and VARIANT_BOOL types, respectively.

Smart Pointer Class Wrapper Syntax

   [in] VARIANT xmlSource

For example,

vbStatus = pXMLDom->load("myData.xml");

Notice that the DOM method call using smart pointer classes is similar to that in script or Visual Basic.