Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - Digital Signatures

getVerifyingCertificate Method

[This feature was first implemented for MSXML 5.0.]

Retrieves the certificate associated with this key used to verify a signature.


Script Syntax

var oCertificate = IXMLDSigKeyEx.getVerifyingCertificate();
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax

Set oCertificate = IXMLDSigKeyEx.getVerifyingCertificate

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT getVerifyingCertificate (IUnknown** oCertificate);

C/C++ Syntax Using Smart Pointers

IUnknownPtr oCertificate = IXMLDSigKeyEx.getVerifyingCertificate();


In C/C++ applications not using smart pointer classes, this is a reference to the certificate associated with the key. In all other cases, this is the certificate of the key.

Return Values

The method call was successful.
The method call failed.


You must call this method after a signature is verified.

If the signature contains a certificate, this method returns the certificate of the key. If the signature contains no certificate, the resultant oCertificate parameter is NULL.


The following example demonstrates how to validate the certificate used in the signature verification. A signed signature document containing a certificate is first verified before the certificate is validated by examining the root certificate. In any production code, a more sophisticated validation procedure should be followed.

The signed signature document is used as the input for the code examples in C/C++, JScript, and Visual Basic. The output is the same in each language.

Applies To

IXMLDigitalSignature, IXMLDigitalSignatureEx


MSXML 5.0 and later

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