Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - Digital Signatures

createKeyFromCertContext Method

[This feature was first implemented for MSXML 5.0.]

Extracts a key from a specified certificate context obtainable from any of the CryptoAPI methods returning the CERT_CONTEXT structure.

C/C++ Syntax Using Smart Pointers

IXMLDSigKeyPtr keyRef = 

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT createKeyFromCertContext(
    void* pCertContext,
    IXMLDSigKey** keyRef);


pCertContext [in]
Pointer to a data structure that contains a certificate context that can be obtained from a CryptoAPI function returning a CERT_CONTEXT structure.
keyRef [out, retval]
In C/C++ this is a reference to the resultant key object. In C/C++ using smart pointer classes this is the key object.

Return Values

The method succeeded and the resultant keyRef parameter points to a valid XMLDSigKey object.
The method failed and the resultant keyRef parameter is NULL.


This method can be used to access a private key for signing and is available for C/C++ applications only.


This C/C++ example illustrates how to sign an XML document with a key generated from a certificate context stored on your local machine. Generation of the key is encapsulated in the function GetCertContext, which uses three CryptoAPI functions: CertOpenSystemStore, CertFindCertificateInstore, and CertClosestore.

This example uses one resource file. You should get output similar to that provided at the end of the sample.

Applies To



MSXML 5.0 and later

To view reference information for Visual Basic, C/C++, or Script only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

createKeyFromCSP Method | createKeyFromHMACSecret Method | createKeyFromHMACSecretBinary Method | createKeyFromNode Method