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externalEntityDecl Method
Receives/reports a parsed external entity declaration. Only the effective (first) declaration for each entity is reported.
[Visual Basic]
Implementation Syntax
Sub externalEntityDecl(strName As String, strPublicId As String,_
strSystemId As String)
- strName
- The name of the entity. If it is a parameter entity, the name begins with '%'.
- strPublicId
- The declared public identifier of the entity, or Null (if none was declared).
- strSystemId
- The declared system identifier of the entity.
Return Values
If failed, the DeclHandler
raises a trappable error.
HRESULT externalEntityDecl();
[in] const wchar_t * pwchName,
[in] int cchName,
[in] const wchar_t * pwchPublicId,
[in] int cchPublicId,
[in] const wchar_t pwchSystemId,
[in] int cchSystemId);
- pwchName [in]
- The name of the entity. If it is a parameter entity, the name begins with a "%".
- cchName [in]
- The length of the name string of the entity.
- pwchPublicId [in]
- The declared public identifier of the entity, or Null (if none is declared).
- cchPublicId [in]
- The length of the public identifier string.
- pwchSystemId [in]
- The declared system identifier of the entity.
- cchSystemId [in]
- The length of the system identifier string.
Return Values
- S_OK
- The value returned if no errors are reported.
- The value returned if the parse operation should be aborted.
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See Also
internalEntityDecl Method
Applies to: ISAXDeclHandler/IVBSAXDeclHandler Interface