Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

unparsedEntityDecl Method

Receives notification of an unparsed entity declaration event. The notation name corresponds to a notation reported by the notationDecl method or event. It is up to the application to record the entity for later reference, if necessary. If the system identifier is a URL, the reader must resolve it before passing it to the application.

[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Sub unparsedEntityDecl(strName As String, strPublicId As String,_
strSystemId As String, strNotationName As String)


The unparsed entity's name.
The entity's public identifier or Null (if none was given).
The entity's system identifier (required).
The name of the associated notation.

Return Values

If failed, the DTDHandler raises a trappable error.



HRESULT unparsedEntityDecl(
   [in] const wchar_t * pwchName, 
   [in] int cchName, 
   [in] const wchar_t * pwchPublicId, 
   [in] int cchPublicId
   [in] const wchar_t * pwchSystemId
   [in] int cchSystemId);
   [in] const wchar_t * pwchNotationName
   [in] int cchNotationName);


pwchName [in]
The unparsed entity's name.
cchName [in]
The length of the entity.
pwchPublicId [in]
The entity's public identifier or Null (if none was given).
cchPublicId [in]
The length of the public identifier.
pwchSystemId [in]
The entity's system identifier (required).
cchSystemId [in]
The length of the system identifier.
pwchNotationName [in]
The name of the associated notation.
cchNotationName [in]
The length of the notation.

Return Values

The value returned if no errors occur.
The value returned if the parse should be aborted.

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See Also

notationDecl Method

Applies to: ISAXDTDHandler/IVBSAXDTDHandler Interface