Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

output Property

Sets the destination and the type of output for IMXWriter. By default, the output property is a BSTR (string) value. Output can be:

Setting this property to the empty value (VT_EMPTY or " ") will return output to the internal string and reset it.

[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Private Property Let IMXWriter_output(ByVal RHS As Variant)
Private Property Get IMXWriter_output() As Variant

Usage Syntax

oMXXMLWriter.output = varDestination
varDestination = oMXXMLWriter.output


Read/write. Variant destination.


The following example creates an instance of MXXMLWriter and sets it to the ContentHandler. Method calls on the ContentHandler are used to manually generate a document. In the sample, a DOMDocument object is created, and the writer output is set to the DOMDocument object. After the contents of the output property are loaded into a DOMDocument object, they are then displayed in message box.

XML File

Use books.xml.

Visual Basic File (Form1.frm)

Private Sub Command1_Click()
   Dim wrt As New MXXMLWriter50
   Dim cnth As IVBSAXContentHandler
   Dim atrs As New SAXAttributes50
   Dim xmlDoc As New DOMDocument50
   Dim currNode As IXMLDOMNode

   Set cnth = wrt
   wrt.output = xmlDoc

   cnth.startElement "", "", "catalog", atrs
   atrs.addAttribute "", "", "id", "CDATA", "bk101"
   cnth.startElement "", "", "book", atrs

   cnth.startElement "", "", "author", atrs
   cnth.characters "Gambardella, Matthew"
   cnth.endElement "", "", "author"

   cnth.startElement "", "", "title", atrs
   cnth.characters "XML Developer's Guide"
   cnth.endElement "", "", "title"

   cnth.startElement "", "", "description", atrs
   cnth.characters "An in-depth look at creating applications with XML"
   cnth.endElement "", "", "description"

   cnth.endElement "", "", "book"
   cnth.endElement "", "", "catalog"

'Ends the document.

   Set currNode = xmlDoc.documentElement
   MsgBox currNode.xml

End Sub

Try It!

  1. Open Visual Basic and create a new Standard EXE project.
  2. Create a reference in the project to Microsoft XML, v5.0.
  3. Add a command button (Command1) to the application form (Form1).
  4. From the View menu, click Code.
  5. Use copy and paste to replace any code in the form with the code provided above.
  6. From the Run menu, click Start.
  7. In the test application, click Command1 (the command button).


When run, the sample Visual Basic application should display in a message box the contents of the XML document element (the <catalog> element and all its node children) that was created using SAX ContentHandler method calls.

The output text should be this:

<catalog><book id="bk101"><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author><title>XML Developer's Guide</title><description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML</description></book></catalog>


HRESULT output (
   [in] VARIANT varDestination);
HRESULT output (
   [out, retval] VARIANT * varDestination);


The variant destination.

Return Values

The value returned if no errors are reported.


The default is VT_EMPTY to output to string.

To view reference information for Visual Basic or C/C++ only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

MXHTMLWriter CoClass | MXXMLWriter CoClass

Applies to: IMXWriter Interface