Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

getValueFromName Method

Finds the attribute by namespace name and returns the attribute's text value. For ambiguous names, this method returns the value from the first namespace.

[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Function getValueFromName(ByVal strURI As String,_ 
  ByVal strLocalName As String) As String

Usage Syntax

StrVal = oIVBSAXAttributes.getValueFromName(strURI,strLocalName)


The namespace URI or, if the name has no namespace URI, an empty string.
The local name of the attribute.

Return Values

If failed, raises a trappable error.



HRESULT getValueFromName(
   [in] const wchar_t * pwchUri, 
   [in] int cchUri, 
   [in] const wchar_t * pwchLocalName,
   [in] int cchLocalName,
   [out] const wchar_t ** ppwchValue,
   [out] int * pcchValue);


pwchUri [in]
The namespace URI or, if the namespace has no URI, an empty string.
cchUri [in]
The length of the URI string.
pwchLocalName [in]
The local name of the attribute.
cchLocalName [in]
The length of the local name string.
ppwchValue [out]
The string value of the attribute.
pcchValue [out]
The length of the attribute's string value.

Return Values

The value returned if the text value is returned successfully.
The value returned for an invalid index or if no matching attribute is reported.
The value returned if an internal error occurs.

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See Also

getLength Method (C/C++) | length Property (Visual Basic)

Applies to: ISAXAttributes/IVBSAXAttributes Interface