Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

getURI Method

Finds an attribute's namespace URI by index.

[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Function getURI(ByVal nIndex As Long) As String

Usage Syntax

StrVal = oIVBSAXAttributes.getURI(nIndex)


The attribute's index (zero-based).

Return Values

If a namespace URI is not available, returns an empty string

If the index is out of range, returns a trappable error message.


Returns all the information related to the name of the attribute available at the index. Each return string can be disabled by passing Null in for the text out parameter. It is an error to pass Null for the character count unless Null is also passed for the corresponding text out parameter.


   [in] int nIndex, 
   [out] const wchar_t ** ppwchUri,
   [out] int * pcchUri);


nIndex [in]
The attribute's index (zero-based).
ppwchUri [out]
The namespace URI.
pcchUri [out]
The length of the namespace URI.

Return Values

The value returned if the URI is returned successfully.
The value returned for an invalid index or if no matching attribute is found.
The value returned if an internal error occurs.

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See Also

getLength Method (C/C++) | length Property (Visual Basic)

Applies to: ISAXAttributes/IVBSAXAttributes Interface