Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

startCDATA Method

Receives the beginning of a character data (CDATA) section. The contents of the CDATA section are reported through the regular characters event.

[Visual Basic]

This event is intended only to report the boundary.

Implementation Syntax

Sub startCDATA()

Return Values

If successful, returns void.

If failed, the application may raise an exception.


The startCDATA event reports only the end boundary of the CDATA section.

A CDATA section provides a way to include characters such as "<", ">", and "&" in an XML document that would normally interfere with processing. A CDATA section uses the following syntax:

<![CDATA[text goes here]]>.



Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the parse operation should be aborted.

To view reference information for Visual Basic or C/C++ only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

characters Method | endCDATA Method

Applies to: ISAXLexicalHandler/IVBSAXLexicalHandler Interface