Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

secureBaseURL Property (Visual Basic)

Sets the secure base URL for the document. If the secure base URL is not set, full access is allowed. The secure base URL cannot be set during parsing. The underlying runtime environment determines the response to the security violation.

By setting the secureBaseURL, the application requests security enforcement by the Microsoft® Internet Explorer security settings, which control behavior on the user's computer. This means that the user, not the application, controls Internet security settings.

To understand what the secure base URL is, consider this example. When a parser reads an XML file from the site "", both the base URL and the secure base URL are the same: "". Now, consider that in the XML file there is an external reference to the site "". When reading the externally referenced file, the base URL will be "", while the secure base URL is still "".

Note   For security reasons, the secure base URL cannot be set with script within the context of Internet Explorer.

Usage Syntax

For getting the secureBaseURL property:

strVal = oSAXXMLReader.secureBaseURL

For setting the secureBaseURL property:

oSAXXMLReader.secureBaseURL = strVal

Return Values

A trappable error if the application tries to set the secureBaseURL property during the parse operation.

See Also

baseURL Property (Visual Basic)

Applies to: IVBSAXXMLReader Interface