Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

getProperty Method

Returns the current value of a property.

The MXValidator CoClass implements the following properties:

[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Function getProperty(strName As String) As Variant

Usage Syntax

varValue = oMXValidator.getProperty(strName)

Return Values

A variant containing the current value of the property. The following table describes the properties defined for the MXValidator object.

Property Returns


Current value of the property.
Other properties Trappable error.



HRESULT getProperty(
[in] BSTR strName,
[out, retval] VARIANT * varValue);

Return Values

Property Returns


S_OK — The varValue parameter contains the current value of the property.
Other properties E_INVALIDARG — The property is not recognized.


The following properties are defined for the MXValidator:

An option for registering schemas with the SAX reader.

Datatype — XMLSchemaCache.

Access — (parsing) Read-only; (not parsing) Read/Write.

An option for registering a schema-based declaration handler with the SAX reader.

Datatype — Event handler that implements the IMXSchemaDeclHandler interface.

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See Also

putProperty Method

Applies to: MXValidator CoClass