Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SAX2 Reference

version Property

Specifies the version to include in the XML declaration. The version property value defaults to "1.0". As of this writing, there have been no plans for any other version of the XML specification. However, if another version is created in the future, the version number in the XML specification will be used to identify which version of the specification the document supports.

[Visual Basic]

Usage Syntax

oMXXMLWriter.version = strVersion
strVersion = oMXXMLWriter.version


HRESULT version (
   [in] BSTR strVersion);
HRESULT version (
   [out, retval] BSTR * strVersion);


The BSTR of version.

Return Values

The value returned if no errors are reported.


Read/write. A string representing the version. The default value is "1.0".

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See Also

Applies to: MXXMLWriter CoClass