Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

MultipleErrorMessages Property

Specifies whether or not a ParseError object can return multiple validation errors through the IXMLDOMParseError2 interface. To get all validation errors, set this property to true. Otherwise, only a single validation error is returned. The default value is false.


JScript Syntax

domObj.setProperty(strProp, vBool);
vBool = domObj.getProperty(strProp);
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax

domObj.setProperty(strProp, vBool)
vBool = domObj.getProperty(strProp)

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT setProperty(BSTR strProp, VARIANT vBool);
HRESULT getProperty(BSTR strProp, VARIANT* vBool);


A BSTR string whose value is "MultipleErrorMessages".
A VARIANT_BOOL value of true/false. The default value is true.


Multiple error messages result when non-fatal errors are encountered in a process (for example, validation). Non-fatal errors will not cause the process to stop immediately. If you set this property to false, the process stops on the first error encountered.

The MultipleErrorMessages property is supported by IXMLDOMDocument3, together with IXMLDOMParseError2 and IXMLDOMParseErrorCollection interfaces introduced in MSXML 5.0.

Applies to

Component: MSXML 5.0 and later

Interface: IXMLDOMDocument2

Method: setProperty | getProperty

See Also

IXMLDOMParseError2 | IXMLDOMDocument3 | IXMLDOMParseErrorCollection