Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

UseInlineSchema Property

[This feature was first implemented for MSXML 5.0.]

Specifies whether inline schemas should be processed (true) or not (false). When this property is set to true, inline schemas are used for validation. When this property is set to false, inline schemas are treated like any other XML fragments.


JScript Syntax

domObj.setProperty(strProp, vBool);
vBool = domObj.getProperty(strProp);
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax

domObj.setProperty(strProp, vBool)
vBool = domObj.getProperty(strProp)

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT setProperty(BSTR strProp, VARIANT vBool);
HRESULT getProperty(BSTR strProp, VARIANT* vBool);


A BSTR string whose value is "UseInlineSchema".
A VARIANT_BOOL value of true or false. The default value is true.


The second-level properties ValidateOnParse, ResolveExternals, UseInlineSchema, and NonValidatingSchemaUse all involve the validation of an XML document. Collectively, they influence the behavior of the parser in the following way.

Validate Property Settings Behavior of the parser
ValidateOnParse = true
ResolveExternals = true
UseInlineSchema = true
Validates against a schema resolved from a schema-cache, an inline schema, or schemaLocation attributes.

This is the default behavior.

ValidateOnParse = true
ResolveExternals = true
UseInlineSchema = false
Validates the document against a schema resolved from a schema-cache or the schemaLocation attributes. An inline schema is ignored.
ValidateOnParse = true
ResolveExternals = false
UseInlineSchema = true
Validates the document against a schema resolved from a schema-cache or an inline schema. The schemaLocation attributes are ignored in resolving the schema.
ValidateOnParse = true
ResolveExternals = false
UseInlineSchema = false
Validates the document against a schema resolved from a schema-cache. An inline schema and the schemaLocation attributes are ignored.
ValidateOnParse = false
ResolveExternals = true
UseInlineSchema = true
Process ID/IDREF/datatype using schema resolved from schema-cache, inline schema or the schemaLocation attributes.
ValidateOnParse = false
ResolveExternals = true
UseInlineSchema = false
Process ID/IDREF/datatype using schema resolved from schema-cache or the schemaLocation attributes. Inline schema is ignored.
ValidateOnParse = false
ResolveExternals = false
UseInlineSchema = true
Process ID/IDREF/datatype using schema resolved from schema-cache or inline schema. The schemaLocation attributes are ignored.
ValidateOnParse = false
ResolveExternals = false
UseInlineSchema = false
Process ID/IDREF/datatype using schema resolved from schema-cache. Inline schema and the schemaLocation attributes are ignored.
ValidateOnParse = false
ResolveExternals = true or false
UseInlineSchema = true or false
Schema validation is not performed and ID/IDREF/dataype are not resolved.

Applies To

Component: MSXML 5.0 and later

Interface: IXMLDOMDocument2

Method: setProperty | getProperty

See Also

Using Inline Schemas (XSD) | ResolveExternals | ValidateOnParse