Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

getSchema Method

Returns an ISchema object. The schema contains the namespace URI specified in the namespaceURI parameter that is passed to this method. The ISchema interface can be used to further obtain information about the schema object that is returned.

The following example shows the getSchema method being used to return a schema object.

Dim oSchemaCache as New IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2
Dim oSchema as ISchema
Dim nsTarget as String
nsTarget = ""
oSchemaCache.add nsTarget, PO.xsd
Set oSchema = oSchemaCache.getSchema(nsTarget)

Implementation Syntax

var oSchema = oSchemaCache.getSchema(strNamespaceURI);


A string. The namespace of the schema to be retrieved from the schema cache.

Return Values

An object. The schema object for the Namespace URI sent to the getSchema method.
[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Set oSchema = oSchemaCache.getSchema(strNamespaceURI)


A string. The namespace of the schema to be retrieved from the schema cache.

Return Values

An object. The schema object for the specified schema.


HRESULT getSchema(BSTR namespaceURI, ISchema** schema);


strNamespaceURI [in]
A string. The namespace of the schema to be retrieved from the schema cache.
oSchema [out,retval]
An object. The schema object for the specified schema.

Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the schema is NULL
The value returned if another problem is detected.

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See Also

ISchema interface | Using Namespaces in Schemas

Applies to: IXMLDOMSchemaCollection2