Returns a list of all descendant elements that match the supplied name.
var objXMLDOMNodeList = oXMLDOMElement.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
value "*"
matches all descendant elements of this element.An object. Returns IXMLDOMNodeList
object containing all elements that match the supplied name.
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); var nodeBook, nodelistAuthor; xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.load("books.xml"); if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) { var myErr = xmlDoc.parseError; alert("You have error " + myErr.reason); } else { nodeBook = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("//book"); nodelistAuthor = nodeBook.getElementsByTagName("author"); alert(nodelistAuthor.length); }
Set objXMLDOMNodeList = oXMLDOMElement.getElementsByTagName(tagName)
value "*"
matches all descendant elements of this element.An object. Returns IXMLDOMNodeList
object containing all elements that match the supplied name.
Dim xmlDoc As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim nodeBook As IXMLDOMElement Dim nodelistAuthor As IXMLDOMNodeList xmlDoc.async = False xmlDoc.Load "books.xml" If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then Dim myErr Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason) Else Set nodeBook = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("//book") Set nodelistAuthor = nodeBook.getElementsByTagName("author") MsgBox nodelistAuthor.length End If
HRESULT getElementsByTagName( BSTR tagName, IXMLDOMNodeList **resultList);
value "*"
matches all descendant elements of this element.IXMLDOMNodeList
object containing all elements that match the supplied name.// Find all Nodes with a particular tag. BOOL DOMDocFindNodesWithTag() { BOOL bResult = FALSE; CString strFindText (_T("author")); IXMLDOMNodeList *pIDOMNodeList = NULL; IXMLDOMNode *pIDOMNode = NULL; long value = 0; BSTR bstrItemText = NULL; HRESULT hr; try { // Create the DOMDocument and initialise m_pIXMLDOMDocument2. // Find all "author" elements. hr = m_pIXMLDOMDocument2->getElementsByTagName( (TCHAR *)strFindText.GetBuffer(0), &pIDOMNodeList); SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : throw hr; // Get the length of the list returned by the previous find. hr = pIDOMNodeList->get_length(&value); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pIDOMNodeList->reset(); // Loop through the elements found and display the contents. for(int ii = 0; ii < value; ii++) { hr = pIDOMNodeList->get_item(ii, &pIDOMNode); SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : throw hr; if(pIDOMNode) { hr = pIDOMNode->get_text(&bstrItemText); SUCCEEDED(hr) ? 0 : throw hr; if(bstrItemText) { bResult = TRUE; ::MessageBox(NULL, bstrItemText, strFindText, MB_OK); ::SysFreeString(bstrItemText); bstrItemText = NULL; } pIDOMNode->Release(); pIDOMNode = NULL; } } pIDOMNodeList->Release(); pIDOMNodeList = NULL; } } catch(...) { if(pIDOMNodeList) pIDOMNodeList->Release(); if(pIDOMNode) pIDOMNode->Release(); if(bstrItemText) ::SysFreeString(bstrItemText); bResult = FALSE; DisplayErrorToUser(); } return bResult; }
Elements appear in the order encountered in a preorder traversal of this element's tree.
object is returned even if there are no matches. In this case, the length of the list will be set to zero.
is live and immediately reflects changes to the nodes that appear in the list.
The getElementsByTagName method simulates the matching of the provided argument against the result of the tagName property of IXMLDOMElement. When executed, it does not recognize or support namespaces. Instead you should use the selectNodes method, which is faster in some cases and can support more complex searches.
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Applies to: IXMLDOMElement