Indicates support for the specified feature.
boolVal = objXMLDOMImplementation.hasFeature(feature, version);
, "DOM"
, and "MS-DOM"
is the valid version value.Boolean. Returns True if the specified feature is implemented; otherwise False.
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); var bool = xmlDoc.implementation.hasFeature("DOM", "1.0"); alert(bool);
boolVal = objXMLDOMImplementation.hasFeature(feature, version)
, "DOM"
, and "MS-DOM"
is the valid version value.Boolean. Returns True if the specified feature is implemented; otherwise False.
Dim xmlDoc As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim bool As Boolean bool = xmlDoc.implementation.hasFeature("DOM", "1.0") MsgBox bool
HRESULT hasFeature( BSTR feature, BSTR version, VARIANT_BOOL *hasFeature);
, "DOM"
, and "MS-DOM"
is the only valid version value.IXMLDOMImplementation *pIXMLDOMImplementation = NULL; VARIANT_BOOL varbFlag ; BSTR bstrOutput = NULL; BSTR bstrFeature = ::SysAllocString(_T("MS-DOM")); HRESULT hr; IXMLDOMDocument *pIXMLDOMDocument = NULL; try { // Create an instance of DOMDocument and initialize pIXMLDOMDocument. // Load/create an XML fragment. hr = pIXMLDOMDocument->get_implementation(&pIXMLDOMImplementation); if(SUCCEEDED(hr) && pIXMLDOMImplementation) { hr = pIXMLDOMImplementation->hasFeature(bstrFeature, _T("1.0"), &varbFlag); if(varbFlag == VARIANT_TRUE ) bstrOutput = ::SysAllocString(_T("Feature Supported")); else bstrOutput = ::SysAllocString(_T("Feature not Supported")); ::MessageBox(NULL, bstrOutput, bstrFeature, MB_OK); ::SysFreeString(bstrOutput); bstrOutput = NULL; ::SysFreeString(bstrFeature); bstrFeature = NULL; pIXMLDOMImplementation->Release(); } } catch(...) { if(bstrOutput) ::SysFreeString(bstrOutput); if(bstrFeature) ::SysFreeString(bstrFeature); if(pIXMLDOMImplementation) pIXMLDOMImplementation->Release(); DisplayErrorToUser(); } // Release pIXMLDOMDocument when finished using it.
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Applies to: IXMLDOMImplementation