Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

open Method (ServerXMLHTTP/IServerXMLHTTPRequest)

Initializes a request and specifies the method, URL, and authentication information for the request.


Script Syntax, bstrUrl, bAsync, bstrUser, 


The HTTP method used to open the connection, such as PUT or PROPFIND.
The requested URL. This can be either an absolute URL, such as "http://Myserver/Mypath/Myfile.asp", or a relative URL, such as "../MyPath/MyFile.asp".
bAsync (optional)
Boolean. Indicator as to whether the call is asynchronous. The default is False (the call does not return immediately).
bstrUser (optional)
The name of the user for authentication.
bstrPassword (optional)
The password for authentication. This parameter is ignored if the user parameter is Null or missing.


var srvXmlHttp
srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.5.0"); ("GET", "http://myserver/myresponse.asp", false);
newsElement = srvXmlHttp.responseXML.selectSingleNode("/news/story1");

<p>Top News Story<p>
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax, bstrUrl, bAsync, bstrUser,


The HTTP method used to open the connection, such as PUT or PROPFIND.
The requested URL. This can be either an absolute URL, such as "http://Myserver/Mypath/Myfile.asp", or a relative URL, such as "../MyPath/MyFile.asp".
bAsync (optional)
Boolean. Indicator as to whether the call is asynchronous. The default is False (the call does not return immediately).
bstrUser (optional)
The name of the user for authentication. If this parameter is Null ("") or missing and the site requires authentication, the component displays a logon window.
bstrPassword (optional)
The password for authentication. This parameter is ignored if the user parameter is Null or missing.

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT open(BSTR bstrMethod, BSTR bstrUrl, VARIANT bAsync, 
VARIANT bstrUser, VARIANT bstrPassword);


bstrMethod [in]
The HTTP method used to open the connection, such as PUT or PROPFIND.
bstrUrl [in]
The requested URL. This can be either an absolute URL, such as "http://Myserver/Mypath/Myfile.asp", or a relative URL, such as "../MyPath/MyFile.asp".
bAsync [in, optional]
Boolean. Indicator as to whether the call is asynchronous. The default is False (the call does not return immediately).
bstrUser [in, optional]
The name of the user for authentication. If this parameter is Null ("") or missing and the site requires authentication, the component displays a logon window.
bstrPassword [in, optional]
The password for authentication. This parameter is ignored if the user parameter is Null or missing.

C/C++ Return Values

The value returned if successful.


After calling this method you must call the send method to send the request and data (if any) to the server. Each send method must have a corresponding open method.

To view reference information for Visual Basic, C/C++, or Script only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

abort Method

Applies to: IServerXMLHTTPRequest/ServerXMLHTTP