Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

save Method

Saves an XML document to the specified location.


Script Syntax;


An object. The object can represent a file name, an ASP Response object, a DOMDocument object, or a custom object that supports persistence. See Remarks for more information.
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax


An object. The object can represent a file name, an ASP Response object, a DOMDocument object, or a custom object that supports persistence. See Remarks for more information.


The following Microsoft® Visual Basic® example creates a DomDocument object from a string, then saves the document to a file in the application folder. If you look at the resulting file you will see that, instead of one continuous line of text, after each tag or data string. That is because of the vbNewLine constant inserted in the string at the appropriate locations.

Private Sub Form_Load()
   Dim doc As New DOMDocument50
   doc.async = False
   doc.validateOnParse = False
   doc.resolveExternals = False

   doc.loadXML _
      "<?xml version='1.0'?>" + vbNewLine + _
      "<doc title='test'>" + vbNewLine + _
      "   <page num='1'>" + vbNewLine + _
      "      <para title='Saved at last'>" + vbNewLine + _
      "          This XML data is finally saved." + vbNewLine + _
      "      </para>" + vbNewLine + _
      "   </page>" + vbNewLine + _
      "   <page num='2'>" + vbNewLine + _
      "      <para>" + vbNewLine + _
      "          This page is intentionally left blank." + vbNewLine + _
      "      </para>" + vbNewLine + _
      "   </page>" + vbNewLine + _
      "</doc>" + vbNewLine

   Path = App.Path + "\saved.xml" Path
End Sub

C/C++ Syntax

    VARIANT destination);


destination [in]
The type of object to save. This object can represent a file name, an ASP Response object, an XML document object, or a custom object that supports persistence. See Remarks for more information.

C/C++ Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the document contains a character that does not belong in the specified encoding. The character must use a numeric entity reference. For example, the Japanese Unicode character 20013 does not fit into the encoding Windows-1250 (the Central European alphabet) and therefore must be represented in markup as the numeric entity reference &#20013; or &#x4E2D; This version of save does not automatically convert characters to the numeric entity references.
The value returned if a string was provided, but it is not a valid file name.
The value returned if a save operation is not permitted.
The value returned if the save operation must allocate buffers.
(Other values)
Any other file system error can be returned in the save(string) case.


BOOL DOMDocSaveLocation()
   BOOL bResult = FALSE;
   IXMLDOMDocument *pIXMLDOMDocument = NULL;
   HRESULT hr;

      _variant_t varString = _T("D:\\sample.xml");
      // Initialize pIXMLDOMDocument (create a DOMDocument).
      // Load document.
      hr = pIXMLDOMDocument->save(varString);
         bResult = TRUE;
   // Release the IXMLDOMDocument interface.
   // Release the IXMLDOMDocument interface when finished with it.
   return bResult;


The behavior differs based on the object specified by the objTarget parameter.

Object Description
string Specifies the file name. This must be a file name rather than a URL. The file is created, if necessary, and the contents are replaced entirely with the contents of the saved document. This mode is not intended for use from a secure client, such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer.
    dim xmldoc
    set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0")

The ASP Response object sends the document back to the client that invoked the ASP script.

    dim xmldoc
    set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0")
IXMLDocument Object Duplicates the original document. It is the equivalent of saving the document and reparsing it. The document goes through full persistence through XML markup, thereby testing the persistability of your XML document.
    <script language="jscript">
        var xmldoc1 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0");
        var xmldoc2 = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0");
Custom object supporting persistence Any other custom COM object that supports QueryInterface for IStream, IPersistStream, or IPersistStreamInit can also be provided here, and the document will be saved accordingly. In the IStream case, the IStream Write method will be called as it saves the document; in the IPersistStream case, IPersistStream Load will be called with an IStream that supports the Read, Seek, and Stat methods.

External entity references in <DOCTYPE>, <ENTITY>, <NOTATION>, and XML namespace declarations are not changed; they point to the original document. A saved XML document might not load if the URLs are not accessible from the location in which you saved the document.

Character encoding is based on the encoding attribute in the XML declaration, such as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>. When no encoding attribute is specified, the default setting is UTF-8.

Validation is not performed during save, which can result in an invalid document that does not load again because of a specified document type definition (DTD).

This member is an extension of the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM).

To view reference information for Visual Basic, C/C++, or Script only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

Persistence and the DOM

Applies to: DOMDocument