Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SOM Reference

schemaLocations Property

Returns a string collection. This collection contains all of the URIs that are imported to or included in the XML Schema object being used. Each URI in the XML Schema is represented by a string item in the collection. The URI text is retrieved by using the item property of the ISchemaStringCollection.


The following VBScript example shows how to lists the URIs of the imported or included XML Schemas.

Set oSchemaCache = CreateObject("Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache.5.0")
oSchemaCache.add "", "po.xsd"
Set oSchema = oSchemaCache.getSchema("")

For Each oURI in oSchema.schemaLocations
   WScript.Echo oURI

Implementation Syntax

var oSchemaLocations = oISchema.schemaLocations;



Return Values

An object. The collection of XML Schema URIs imported to or included in this XML Schema. This collection contains strings that contain the schema URIs.
[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Set oSchemaLocations = oISchema.schemaLocations



Return Values

An object. The collection of XML Schema URIs imported to or included in this XML Schema. This collection contains strings that contain the schema URIs.

Implementation Syntax

HRESULT get_schemaLocations (ISchemaStringCollection** schemaLocations);


schemaLocations [out,retval]
An object. The collection of schema URIs.

Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the schemaLocations collection is NULL.
The value returned if something else is wrong.

To view reference information for Visual Basic or C/C++ only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

ISchemaStringCollection Interface | Using Other Namespaces

Applies to: ISchema Interface