Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SOM Reference

itemByQName Method

Returns an ISchemaItem object. The returned object contains information about the item name and the corresponding namespace that are sent to the function in the name and namespaceURI parameters. The ISchemaItem interface obtains further information from the returned object.


Implementation Syntax

var oISchemaItem = oISchemaItemCollection.itemByQName(strName, strNamespaceURI)


A string. The name of the schema item to be retrieved.
A string. The name of the namespace URI that the item to be retrieved belongs to.

Return Values

An ISchemaItem object. The schema item that has the same name and namespace URI that are passed in through the parameters.
[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

Set oISchemaItem = oISchemaItemCollection.itemByQName(strName, strNamespaceURI)


A string. The name of the schema item to be retrieved.
A string. The name of the namespace URI that the item to be retrieved belongs to.

Return Values

An ISchemaItem object. The schema item that has the same name and namespace URI that are passed in through the parameters.

Implementation Syntax

HRESULT get_itemByQName(
BSTR name,
BSTR namespaceURI,
ISchemaItem** item);


name [in]
A string. The name of the schema item to be retrieved.
namespaceURI [in]
A string. The name of the namespace URI that the item to be retrieved belongs to.
item [out,retval]
An ISchemaItem object. The schema item that has the same name and namespace URI that are passed in through the parameters.

Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the name parameter returns NULL.
The value returned if the item parameter returns NULL.
The value returned if the named item is not found.

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See Also

ISchemaItem Interface | ISchemaItem Type Property | Using Namespaces in Schemas

Applies to: ISchemaItemCollection Interface