Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - SOM Reference

minOccurs Property

Returns a variant of type VT_BSTR that represents the minimum number of times that an item can occur in a document. A value of zero indicates that the item is optional.


The following is an example of the minOccurs attribute used in an XML Schema.

<schema xmlns="">
   <complexType name="someelement">
         <element name="book" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="4"/>
         <element name="magazine" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>

Implementation Syntax

var varMinOccurs = oISchemaParticle.minOccurs;



Return Values

A variant. The minimum number of times the item can appear in an instance document of this XML Schema document. Zero is returned if the item is optional.
[Visual Basic]

Implementation Syntax

varMinOccurs = oISchemaParticle.minOccurs



Return Values

A variant. The minimum number of times the item can appear in an instance document of this XML Schema document. Zero is returned if the item is optional.

Implementation Syntax

HRESULT get_minOccurs(VARIANT* minOccurs);


minOccurs [out,retval]
A variant. The minimum number of times the item can appear in an instance document of this XML Schema document. Zero is returned if the item is optional.

Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the minOccurs parameter is NULL.

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See Also

ISchemaParticle maxOccurs Property | element Element

Applies to: ISchemaParticle Interface