Contains a notation declared in the document type definition (DTD) or schema.
The following C/C++ example displays the names of the notation nodes in the DTD declaration of the document.
The following document was used.
<?xml version='1.0'?> <!DOCTYPE COLLECTION [ <!NOTATION XLS PUBLIC ""> <!ELEMENT COLLECTION (DATE? , BOOK+) > <!ATTLIST COLLECTION xmlns:dt CDATA #FIXED "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"> <!ELEMENT BOOK(TITLE, AUTHOR, PUBLISHER) > <!ELEMENT DATE(#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT TITLE (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT AUTHOR (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT PUBLISHER (#PCDATA) > ]> <COLLECTION xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"> <BOOK> <TITLE>Lover Birds</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Cynthia Randall</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>The Sundered Grail</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Eva Corets</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>Splish Splash</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Paula Thurman</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Scootney</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> </COLLECTION> #import "msxml5.dll" using namespace MSXML2; inline void TESTHR( HRESULT _hr ) { if FAILED(_hr) throw(_hr); } void XMLDOMNotationSample() { try { IXMLDOMDocumentPtr docPtr; //init TESTHR(CoInitialize(NULL)); TESTHR(docPtr.CreateInstance(_T("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"))); // load a document _variant_t varXml(("D:\\xmlSample\\xmlTest\\book1.xml")); _variant_t varOut((bool)TRUE); varOut = docPtr->load(varXml); if ((bool)varOut == FALSE) {// show error description - IXMLDOMParseError sample IXMLDOMParseErrorPtr errPtr = docPtr->GetparseError(); // display eror information } else { IXMLDOMDocumentTypePtr docTypPtr = docPtr->doctype; if (docTypPtr) { int nCounter; IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr XMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr = docTypPtr->Getnotations(); for(nCounter=0;nCounter < XMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr->length; nCounter ++) { IXMLDOMNotationPtr XMLDOMNotationPtr = XMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr->Getitem(nCounter); _tprintf(_T("%s"), (TCHAR*)XMLDOMNotationPtr->nodeName); } } } } catch (_com_error &e) { _tprintf(_T("Error:\n")); _tprintf(_T("Code = %08lx\n"), e.Error()); _tprintf(_T("Code meaning = %s\n"), (TCHAR*) e.ErrorMessage()); _tprintf(_T("Source = %s\n"), (TCHAR*) e.Source()); _tprintf(_T("Error Description = %s\n"), (TCHAR*) e.Description()); } catch(...) { _tprintf(_T("Unknown error!")); } CoUninitialize(); }
Notations identify by name the format of unparsed entities, the format of elements that bear a notation attribute, or the application to which a processing instruction is addressed.
The nodeName
property contains the notation name.
MSXML 2.0 and later
Implementation: msxml5.dll, msxml2.lib
Header and IDL files: msxml2.h, msxml2.idl
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nodeName Property | IXMLDOMNode | IXMLDOMNotation Members