var xs, xd; parseError2(); function parseError2() { try { xs = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLSchemaCache.5.0"); xd = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0"); } catch (e) { alert("Mirosoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office is not installed.\n" +"Download and install MSXML 5.0 from\n" +"before continuing."); return; } try { xs.add("urn:books", "books.xsd"); } catch (e) { alert("Failed to add to schema cache: "+e.description); return; } try { xd.schemas = xs; xd.async = false; xd.validateOnParse = false; xd.load("books.xml"); xd.setProperty("MultipleErrorMessages", true); } catch (e) { alert("can't load books.xml : " + e.description); return; } var err = xd.validate(); if (err.errorCode != 0 ) { errsCount = err.allErrors.length; var errStr = "Error as returned from validate():\n" +"\n\tError Code : " + err.errorCode +"\n\tError reason :\n" + err.reason +"\tError location: \n" + err.errorXPath +"\n\tErrors Count : " + errsCount +"\n\nError items from the allErrors collection:"; for (var i=0; i<errsCount; i++) { var e = err.allErrors.item(i); errStr += "\n\nErrorItem["+i+"] : "; errStr += "\n\treason:\n" +e.reason; errStr += "\tlocation:\n" +e.errorXPath; } alert(errStr); } else alert("valid dom as follows:\n" + xd.xml); } function alert(msg) { WScript.echo(msg); }
Try It!
Note Under operating systems other than Windows 2000 or Windows XP, you need to install Windows Scripting Host (wscript.exe), if it is not already installed.