Specifies the event handler to be called when the readyState
property changes. Note that onreadystatechange
is designed for use in scripting environments and is not readily accessible in Microsoft® Visual Basic® or C++.
oXMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange = funcMyHandler;
The following script example specifies the handler HandleStateChange gets called when an IXMLHTTPRequest
object's readyState
property changes. A button on a page is enabled when the readyState
property indicates that all data has been received (readystate == 4
<script> var xmlhttp=null; function PostOrder(xmldoc) { var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject5.0("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0"); xmlhttp.Open("POST", "http://myserver/orders/processorder.asp", false); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange= HandleStateChange; xmlhttp.Send(xmldoc); myButton.disabled = true; } function HandleStateChange() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { myButton.disabled = false; alert("Result = " + xmlhttp.responseXML.xml); } } </script>
In Microsoft Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript), you can get a function pointer using the syntax getRef("HandleStateChange")
In Visual Basic, you need to write the following statement where xmldoc is a variable and implements a subroutine called xmldoc_onreadystatechange()
Dim WithEvents xmldoc As DOMDocument50
See Use OnReadyStateChange Property in Visual Basic and Visual C/C++.
Use connection points to trap readystatechange
The following macros declare the handler (DOMDocCheckState
) for the event:
BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CXMLDOMSamples, CCmdTarget) DISP_FUNCTION_ID(CXMLDOMSamples, "Ready State Event Handler", DISPID_XMLDOMEVENT_ONREADYSTATECHANGE, DOMDocCheckState, VT_EMPTY, 0) END_DISPATCH_MAP() �m_hr = pCP->Advise(GetIDispatch(TRUE), &m_pdwCookie); �
The last line registers this class (CXMLDOMSamples) as an event listener with the document Connection Point Container.
property value changes.See Use OnReadyStateChange Property in Visual Basic and Visual C/C++.
The property is write-only. When using scripting languages, this property can be set in ways other than directly accessing the property through IXMLHTTPRequest
. It can also be set using the onreadystatechange
attribute of the <XML>
tag, and the SCRIPT FOR
... construct.
This member is an extension of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM).
To view reference information for Visual Basic, C/C++, or Script only, click the Language Filter button in the upper-left corner of the page.
Applies to: IXMLHTTPRequest