Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XML Reference

pushNodeContext Method

Pushes local context down the stack, and creates a new local context that is defined by the DOM node.


Script Syntax

var ObjNSManager.pushNodeContext(oContextNode,[fDeep as Boolean=True]);


An IXMLDOMNode object. A DOM node that specifies the context to use.
Boolean. The default value is True. If True, pushes namespace declarations of parent nodes. If False, includes only namespace declarations in the provided node.
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax

ObjNSManager.pushNodeContext(oIXMLDOMNode,[fDeep as Boolean=True]);


An IXMLDOMNode object. A DOM node that specifies the context to use.
Boolean. The default value is True. If True, pushes namespace declarations of parent nodes. If False, includes only namespace declarations in the provided node.

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT pushNodeContext(
    IXMLDONNode * oContextNode,
    VARIANT_BOOL fDeep);


The DOM node with context use.
Boolean. The default value is True. If True, pushes namespace declarations of parent nodes. If False, includes only namespace declarations in the provided node.

C/C++ Return Values

The value returned if successful.
The value returned if the passed object is NULL.
The value returned if an error occurs.


The new local context is populated with namespace declarations from the context of the DOM node. The second parameter indicates whether deep context should be used. Deep context includes all namespace declarations from the node, and all parents of the node. Pushed declarations are still visible in the current context, unless they are replaced by new declarations.

To view reference information for Visual Basic, C/C++, or Script only, click the Language Filter button Language Filter in the upper-left corner of the page.

See Also

[Script,Visual Basic]

Applies to: IVBMXNamespaceManager


Applies to: IMXNamespaceManager