Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XML Schemas

Representing the XDR Schema as a DTD

The following is an example of representing the XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema with a document type definition (DTD). However, the representation is not exact.

  The possible element datatypes according to
<!ENTITY % datatypes "(entity | entities | enumeration | id | idref | idrefs
| nmtoken | nmtokens | notation | string | bin.base64 | bin.hex | boolean |
char | date | dateTime | | fixed.14.4 | float | int | number |
time | | i1 | i2 | i4 | r4 | r8 | ui1 | ui2 | ui4 | uri |
uuid)" >
<!--  *** datatype **** -->
<!ELEMENT datatype  (description)*>
<!ATTLIST datatype
    dt:type %datatypes;  #IMPLIED
    xmlns:dt CDATA #FIXED "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"
<!--  ***** description  ***** -->
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) >
<!-- ****  element  ***** -->
<!-- additional constraint on maxOccurs is that it must be 1 or "*" -->
<!ELEMENT element  (description)* >
<!ATTLIST element
   type IDREF        #REQUIRED
   minOccurs  CDATA  #IMPLIED
   maxOccurs  CDATA  #IMPLIED
<!-- ****  attribute   ***** -->
<!ELEMENT attribute  (description)* >
<!ATTLIST attribute
   type       IDREF    #REQUIRED
   default    CDATA        #IMPLIED
   required   (yes | no)   "no"
<!-- ****  AttributeType   ***** -->
<!ELEMENT AttributeType (datatype | description)* >
<!ATTLIST AttributeType
   name         ID              #REQUIRED
   default      CDATA           #IMPLIED
   dt:type      %datatypes;     #IMPLIED
   dt:values    CDATA           #IMPLIED
   required     (yes | no)      #IMPLIED
   xmlns:dt CDATA #FIXED "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"
<!-- ****  ElementType   ***** -->
<!ELEMENT ElementType (datatype | description | AttributeType | attribute | element | group)* >
<!ATTLIST ElementType
   name  ID                       #REQUIRED
   model (open | closed)          #IMPLIED
   content (empty | textOnly | eltOnly | mixed) #IMPLIED
   order   (one | seq | many)     #IMPLIED
   dt:type %datatypes;            #IMPLIED
   dt:values  CDATA               #IMPLIED
   required  (yes | no)           #IMPLIED
   xmlns:dt CDATA #FIXED "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"
<!-- ****  group   ***** -->
<!ELEMENT group  (group | element | description)*>
<!ATTLIST group
   minOccurs   CDATA              #IMPLIED
   maxOccurs   CDATA              #IMPLIED
   order      (one | seq | many)  #IMPLIED
<!-- ****  Schema   ***** -->
<!ELEMENT Schema  (AttributeType | ElementType | description )* >
<!ATTLIST Schema
   xmlns:dt CDATA #FIXED "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"