Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XML Schemas


Provides documentation about an ElementType or AttributeType element.


Element Information

Number of occurrences One time.
Parent elements AttributeType, ElementType, Schema, group, element, attribute
Child elements Any well-formed XML content.


Information supplied within the description element is not used in validation, but provides a standardized way to supply information that can be retrieved by tools.


The following example shows use of the description element providing information about the element.

<ElementType name="Element"/>
<AttributeType name="att"/>

<ElementType name="Elements" model="closed">
  <element type="Element" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
  <description>element description</description>

  <attribute type="att">
  <description>attribute description</description>

See Also

XDR Schema Elements | XDR Schema Data Types Reference