Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - XSLT Developer's Guide

XSLT HTML DOM File with Error Handling

The following example adds error handling to qsalesregion.html. The lines added for error handling are in bold.

HTML File (qsalesregionwerrchk.html)

<TITLE>Quarterly Sales, by Region</TITLE>
<SCRIPT language='JScript'>
function transformIt() {
    // Associate the result tree object with any element(s) whose
    // id attribute is "transformedXML."
    var objResTree = document.all['transformedXML'];
    // Declare two new MSXML DOMDocument objects.
    var objSrcTree = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0');
    var objXSLT = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0');
    objXSLT.validateOnParse = true;
    // Load the two DOMDocuments with the XML document and the
    // XSLT style sheet.
    if (objXSLT.parseError.errorCode != 0) 
        var strErrMsg = "Problem Parsing Style Sheet:<br />"
       +" Error #: "           + objXSLT.parseError.errorCode + "<br />"
       +" Description: "       + objXSLT.parseError.reason + "<br />"
       +" In file: "           + objXSLT.parseError.url + "<br />"
       +" Line #: "            + objXSLT.parseError.line + "<br />"
       +" Character # in line: "+objXSLT.parseError.linepos + "<br />"
       +" Character # in file: "+objXSLT.parseError.filepos + "<br />"
       +" Source line: "        +objXSLT.parseError.srcText;
        objResTree.innerHTML = strErrMsg;
        return false;
    // Use the transformNode method to apply the XSLT to the XML.
    strResult = objSrcTree.transformNode(objXSLT);
    // Assign the resulting string to the result tree object's
    // innerHTML property.
    objResTree.innerHTML = strResult;
    return true;
<BODY onload='transformIt()'>
<DIV id='transformedXML'></DIV>